John and Jehn music video: Sister.

This was a small project I was asked to edit at the very last minute back in november '08. Some of the footage had already been edited, and was given to me in a low quality format. Overall I think this came out very well, all things considered. It would have also been nice to have had a bit more footage in its raw format.

I do not know to what extent this was used by the musical duo, but I'm told they are moving ever upwards in popularity. So good luck to them.

Technical specs:

Edited and graded with Final Cut Pro Studio 2.

Standing By

Standing By is short film inspired by Wim Wenders Wings Of Desire, (Der Himmel über Berlin) and deals with an angel by the name of Ziel (Paul Huntingford) who is tired of his existence and wishes to experience life as a human. To offer advice is fellow angel Tirus (Howard Charles) who is content with serving humanity.

The film was shot in London, Paul and Howard were brilliant to work with, and put such enthusiasm into the parts. The major flaw has been the technical problems with sound recording, although on the bright side, much of the dialogue was salvageable. But on the whole the sound design could be better, and will be something I pay close attention to next time.

As always none of this would have been possible without the commitment and wisdom of Daffydd Turner, who’s Visual Effects, I feel, constitute some of his finest work.
Also I want to thank James Mossahebi for doing the jobs I couldn’t, and Dillon Clare for stepping in at the eleventh hour and allowing me to do just one more take, in the freezing cold.

Technical specs:

Shot on Mini DV in DVCAM Format.
Shot using Sony PD – X10

Edited and Graded in Final Cut Pro Studio.

Visual Effects created with Photoshop, After Effects and Particle Illusion.